Social Media Advertising

Facebook & Instagram provides a  new level of granular targeting. Taking advantage of social advertising can provide the hyper-local targeting your organization has been seeking.

Facebook Advertising Capabilities

Facebook & Instagram have over 1.8 billion users that spend on average 1 – 2 hours a day on their platforms.  And the granular nature of user data allows our agency to create audiences and target segments that are likely to be your ideal client base.  Below is a sample of the targeting capabilities available via Facebook/Instagram:

  • Age, Sex (Male/Female/Transgender)
  • Zip Code/City, State
  • Industry/Title
  • Income
  • Interests, Behavior

We can even create a lookalike audience off of your website visitors or previous purchasers from your websites or leads that have become customers or clients of yours.

Utilize LinkedIn Ads For B2B & B2C Lead Generation

We have utilized LinkedIn’s Ad Platform for many B2B enterprises that need to connect with audiences that share more about their job titles and the companies they work in rather than simply their interests.  Via LinkedIn, we have many options to choose from:

  • Company Industry
  • Seniority
  • Job Title
  • Age
  • Education
  • Ethnicity

After combining the power of LinkedIn with the power of Facebook Advertising, the possibilities of reaching your target audience is endless.

“As of July 2016, there were over 2 BILLION searches PER DAY on Facebook.” Are you being found?

Case Studies

How we made a hearing aid company sit up and listen.

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How a telecom company connected more customers.

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Facebook provides 1,500 filters that allow for granular reach and brand awareness campaigns so you are speaking to those people that matter the most to your advertising campaign.

But The Gough Administration is no ordinary digital agency.  We have access to proprietary technologies that allow us to go beyond those 1,500 filters including:

  • Targeting people who checked into locations
  • Matching to physical addresses of CRM lists (We achieve 50 – 80% match rates)
  • People who engaged with particular facebook pages (liked)
  • Targeting people who engaged with content centered around particular keywords
  • Directly message those individuals in addition to the Ads served to them

We’ll be honest.  We didn’t believe in Facebook 4 years ago.  But after turning it on for political campaigns and retailers, we’ve seen how you can micro target people even better than search at times.  

Paid Social Advertising Process

  1. We want to get what your true business objectives are. Here we begin to develop KPI’s for the campaigns we’re running.
  2.  What will you say when you show up? That question matters more than anything. Here we take your messaging and build Ads around it.
  3.  From demographic targeting, geographic, and behavioral targeting to campaign objectives, we will build a granular campaign to reach your target audience.
  4. After running the campaign for 1 – 2 weeks, we start our optimization process with split testing ads, changing targeting parameters, and checking CPA goals.
  5. Now we can pull all our advertising into a clean reporting system that you can easily review and dissect.

Business Objectives

Message/Ad Develop

Social Campaign

Build Optimizations


Granular Social Media Reporting

We always talks about this because it matters.  Clients not only want to see our reporting.  We obsess over it.  Our advantage is how we can place any and all social campaigns that we are managing or not managing into one dashboard so we can see the ancillary benefits of our social advertising.  From Google Analytics to Facebook Insights, you’ll receive full access to our reporting system.

Let's Talk?

Talk to one of our consultants today and learn how to start leveraging your business.